MatchMedics @EUSEM18

Over the 4 days of September 8 – 12, 2018, the MatchMedics team jumped on a plane over to Glasgow, Scotland to showcase Ireland at its best to EUSEM delegates from across the globe. MatchMedics had everything fun & exciting prepared for the doctors to indulge in including a nostalgic game of operation to be in with a chance to win prizes such as €100 Ryanair voucher, a bottle of Jameson Whiskey & a box of Butlers Chocolates – all things Irish!

Highlights from the EUSEM

For all of you who missed EUSEM18 at Glasgow here are some highlights.

Day 1

Sunday was the kick-off for EUSEM18 and it started off with streams in toxicology and infectious diseases. Amazing speakers like Dr Bruno Megarbane, James Dear & Frederic Lapostolle shared their insight and top tips for toxicology & the infectious disease segment had pearls of wisdom from speakers like Matt Mak, Jim Ducharme’s talk on Pneumonia.

Overheard at EUSEM

When I teach, I ask my residents to SPIT the diagnosis. What is the most Serious, most Probable, most Interesting & the most Treatable diagnosis this patient might have (SPIT)

– David Carr

Day 2

Day 2 was an exciting day as the SimCup’18 kicked off while the keynote lectures went on in the auditorium. It was a thrilling day for MatchMedics team as well as we kicked off our ‘Operation Competition’. In the pulmonary stream, Andy Neil was one of the best speakers & Nicholas Lim gave a very good lecture on Lung Ultrasound. In other streams Patricia O’Connor’s talk on knee examination and Stephen Hearn’s talk on performing under pressure were a few of the notable ones. Over at the MatchMedics stand we had an exciting game of operation for EUSEM delegates to test out their EM surgical skills to be in with a chance of being crowned ‘Operation Champion’. It was a great game and 3 winners from each heat went through to the finals of ‘Operation Move To Ireland’.

Here is a snippet of SimCup’18 

Overheard at EUSEM

4 rules for bedside teaching by Greg Henry: 1) joke with students/residents but never humiliate them 2) 2-3 learning points only and stop, don’t bore them 3) show them you do things 4) understand you have an obligation to the young: help them build their self esteem.

Day 3

Nearly at the end of what has been a fun and thought provoking conference, this culminated in the finals of ‘Operation Move To Ireland’ over at the MatchMedics stand. The day started off with two expert panels on acute coronary syndromes & troponin, and venous thromboembolism. World experts Rick Body and Dan Horner discussed the recent advances in technology, risk scoring, etc. There were a lot of inspiring talks on research – more noteworthy, Jason Kendall spoke on the experience of being a principal investigator. At the MatchMedics stand it was a cut throat competition between the 3 finalists playing for the top prize – €100 Ryanair Voucher & for their chance to be crowned Operation Champion!  Dr Gosia managed to fend off her fellow EUSEM delegates and pinched the title!

Meet The Finalists!

Overheard at EUSEM

It’s important to be able to say ‘I don’t know’. Our job is to rule out the serious, not necessarily to find the answer. – Chris Gough

Day 4

The final morning of EUSEM18 commenced with a neurology stream with some brilliant talks from Jeff Perry and Peter Johns. Andy Neil gave spoke on diagnosis and Adam Atrihan used his experience to tackle a tough topic – Leadership.

Overheard at EUSEM

    Emergency Medicine is show business for ugly people.

 – David Carr

A very notable highlight of EUSEM18 for Ireland was Una Cronin’s presentation on the recent completion of the new Emergency Dept in University Hospital Limerick. Dr Cronin’s showcase had a room full of international EM physicians in pure amazement as Dr Cronin displayed how Emergency Departments can look with both staff and patients in mind – changing facilities for staff to promote an active commuting culture; spacious patient cubicles with natural light flooding the ED from large windows throughout the department.

Finishing off the whole conference the EUSEM team thanked the delegation, some of whom traveled from as far as the Middle East, Australia, America & beyond for participating and welcomed all to return again next year for EUSEM19 in the Czech Republic.

All in all it was an epic conference! Looking forward to EUSEM19 in Prague, Czech Republic.

See you there!