Highlights from IAEM 2018

For all of you who missed #18IAEM in Dublin last week here are some highlights.

Day 1

Day 1 of IAEM 2018 kicked off with the official conference opening in the scenic setting of the grounds of the Castleknock Hotel. The current President of the Irish Association of Emergency Medicine, Dr Emily O’Conor, welcomed a room full of EM delegates and conference exhibitors alike to the two day Irish Emergency Medicine event.

The MatchMedics team were privileged to take up the position of main sponsor for this years’ annual IAEM meeting. Richard, Graham and Raksha were on hand to test the conference delegate’s surgical skills in our nostalgic game of operation.

One of the first talks of IAEM 2018 in the Hawthorn Suite was from Dr Liz O’Riordan who brought us on her personal journey going from physician to patient. A story about one’s battle with an illness that many can relate to.

You can listen to Liz’s story on her latest podcast appearance on PonderMed – ‘’Breast Surgeon with Breast Cancer’’ on the below link.


Overheard at IAEM
The first rule of rescue is you can’t save others if you aren’t safe yourself. Many priorities in life and medicine but humanity should be key.
– Dr Liz O Riordan

The afternoon sessions drew the delegations attention to the changing needs of Paediatric and Adolescent patients in a modern day EM Department. Highlighting the importance of not only identifying their physical needs but also their mental health needs.

Overheard at IAEM
Only 30%of Paeds Critical Care patients arrived by ambulance.
-Dr Laura Melody

Dr Annie Weaver turned the spot light on retrieval medicine on the international stage and the dangers retrieval medicine physicians face on a daily basis in order to deliver critical care to those in life threatening locations.

Overheard at IAEM
Taking a sexual history: don’t assume the partner is of the opposite sex. “Do you like boys, girls, both or neither?” sends a powerful message of HCP acceptance
– Dr Aidan Baron

Day 2

Friday morning in the Hawthorn Suite consisted of a master class in preparing for the years ahead and educating future EM Clinician Leaders in an ever changing healthcare environment.

Overheard at IAEM
Education as we know it is merely a virtual reality. Reading is not Teaching and Listening is not Learning.
– Dr Ross Fisher

Dr Eanna Mac Suibhne and Dr Leeza Little delivered an insightful talk on how to not just survive but to thrive as an EM trainee.

Down the corridor in the Tower Suite Catherine Fowler gave a passionate and personal account of how early diagnosis of aortic dissection is key. Further highlighting the need for EM clinicians to be aware of aortic dissection and the signs to ensure early detection in order provide the best most suitable care in a timely fashion.

Overheard at IAEM
The grass is not greener on the other side – it is greener where you water it!
– Catherine Fowler

With IAEM18 drawing to a close, the grand finale of Operation was taking place over at the MatchMedics stand.

The 3 finalists rocked up to the MatchMedics stand determined to take home the top prize – €100 Dine in Dublin voucher – and for their chance to be crowned Operation Champion! Dr Richard Mc Quillan, who travelled all the way from Ulster Hospital – Belfast, managed to fend off his fellow IAEM delegates & pinched the title!

Meet The Finalists!

IAEM 2018 culminated with a fitting tribute to the late Prof Conor Egleston which was announced by the IAEM President, Dr Emily O’Conor. The Prof Egleston prize for Best Oral Presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting acknowledged his efforts as a trainer and EM Physician.

Prof Conor Egleston is a loss to Drogheda ED and the larger EM community.

Congratulations to Dr Filip Lis on winning the inaugural Prof Conor Egleston award for best Oral Presentation at #18IAEM for work conducted a piece on “Acute Kidney Injury in Trauma”.

All in all it was an epic conference! Looking forward to #IAEM19 in Sligo.

See you there!

Get in touch with Graham – +353 87 758 4592 / graham.cosgrave@matchmedics.com / @cosgravegraham