Completed or about to complete your GP training and not sure about the next step? Attracted by the variety of locum work…but want more security? Want to travel and experience a different healthcare system for a while….but think Australia is just too far away? Keen to continue your learning and develop your skills mix in line with the more integrated health economy of the future…but not sure how?

Now there is an opportunity to do all of the above by joining a UK-based GP Fellowship scheme with start dates coming up in 2017.

MatchMedics, in conjunction with Primary Care People, are partnering with some of NHS England’s most innovative Clinical Commissioning Groups to offer 1,2 and 3 year Fellowships to Doctors who have completed GP training.

The scheme involves a mixture or weekly sessions with selected GP practices with the opportunity to work other sessions in secondary care settings, usually in local hospitals. The really interesting piece comes with the weekly sessions dedicated to a personal development project of your choice. You may wish to take a course in Clinical leadership skills, for example, or develop your teaching capabilities on medical education courses or take onstimulating programmes in acute or palliative care. Many other options exist. There is an attractive annual salary with the option to supplement your income with additional OOH shifts (but only if you choose to do so.)

To see how the scheme works in practice, please click HERE to see how the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group set up their programme. Whilst actual employers may differ, this document will give you a clear idea of what is on offer.

The General Practice Forward View (GP Forward View), published by NHS England in April 2016, commits to an extra £2.4 billion a year to support general practice services by 2020/21. The GP Fellowship scheme is a central plank of their GP workforce planning strategy contained in the document.

We are working with some of the UK’s most interesting and varied Commissioning Groups to recruit applicants to these schemes and we are starting the 2017 application from March 1st.

Do not miss out on this opportunity to use your GP training and develop new skills whilst experiencing a new healthcare system.

Contact Richard Morton today on 087 927 6000 or to get the conversation started.